Advisory on Disability Policy & Legislation
STEP provides advisory on disability policy which is technical input to the policy-makers and at present is member of many forums and committees which formulate policies and legal documents on the rights of persons with disabilities. STEP played a significant & advisory role in development of the National Disability Act, 2018 which is in the parliament for enactment.
In addition to this, STEP organizes policy dialogues on various issues which are being faced by the persons with disabilities.
Below is a list of Disability policy dialogues organized by STEP:
- National Dialogue on Pakistan Disability Act, 11 Feb 2015, Karachi.
- National Consultation on Pakistan Disability Act, 20 May 2015, Islamabad.
- Federal Consultative Workshop for Development of Federal Disability Strategy in line with UNCRPD and SDGs, 3 September 2015, Islamabad.
- Two Consultation Workshops with Key Stakeholders including Policy Makers on Inclusive Policy Reforms, Islamabad & Nathiagali.
- Two policy dialogues with the key stakeholders at Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on Inclusive Education.
Below is a list of international policy dialogues wherein STEP participated and contributed significantly.
Strategic Planning Workshop on DiDRRN During World Conference on DRR, 17 March 2015, Bangkok-Thailand.
Workshop on Dialogue on Digital Access for Persons with Disabilities, 28 Oct 2017, Jakarta-Indonesia.
South Asia Regional Disability Rights Dialogue on Political Participation, 2 October 2015, Colombo - Sri Lanka.